Thursday, March 9, 2017

Active and passive Voices

Active voice
In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.
These examples show that the subject is doing the verb’s action.
Because the subject does or “acts upon” the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.
Passive voice
One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb – or passive.
Note in these examples how the subject-verb relationship has changed.
Because the subject is being “acted upon” (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice.
NOTE: Colorful parrots live in the rainforests cannot be changed to passive voice because the sentence does not have a direct object.
To change a sentence from active to passive voice, do the following:
1. Move the active sentence’s direct object into the sentence’s subject slot
2. Place the active sentence’s subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by
3. Add a form of the auxiliary verb be to the main verb and change the main verb’s form
Because passive voice sentences necessarily add words and change the normal doer-action-receiver of action direction, they may make the reader work harder to understand the intended meaning.
As the examples below illustrate, a sentence in active voice flows more smoothly and is easier to understand than the same sentence in passive voice.
It is generally preferable to use the ACTIVE voice.
To change a passive voice sentence into an active voice sentence, simply reverse the steps shown above.
1. Move the passive sentence’s subject into the active sentence’s direct object slot
2. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the main verb and change main verb’s form if needed
3. Place the passive sentence’s object of the preposition by into the subject slot.
Because it is more direct, most writers prefer to use the active voice whenever possible.
The passive voice may be a better choice, however, when
• the doer of the action is unknown, unwanted, or unneeded in the sentence
• the writer wishes to emphasize the action of the sentence rather than the doer of the action
• the writer wishes to use passive voice for sentence variety.
Here are examples of sentences written in both the active voice and the passive voice, with the active voice sentence appearing first:
1. Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. (active)
At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry. (passive)
2. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. (active)
The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. (passive)
3. Sue changed the flat tire. (active)
The flat tire was changed by Sue. (passive)
4. We are going to watch a movie tonight. (active)
A movie is going to be watched by us tonight. (passive)
5. I ran the obstacle course in record time. (active)
The obstacle course was run by me in record time. (passive)
6. The crew paved the entire stretch of highway. (active)
The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew. (passive)
7. Mom read the novel in one day. (active)
The novel was read by Mom in one day. (passive)
8. The critic wrote a scathing review. (active)
A scathing review was written by the critic. (passive)
9. I will clean the house every Saturday. (active)
The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday. (passive)
10. The staff is required to watch a safety video every year. (active)
A safety video will be watched by the staff every year. (passive)
11. She faxed her application for a new job. (active)
The application for a new job was faxed by her. (passive)
12. Tom painted the entire house. (active)
The entire house was painted by Tom. (passive)
13. The teacher always answers the students’ questions. (active)
The students’ questions are always answered by the teacher. (passive)
14. The choir really enjoys that piece. (active)
That piece is really enjoyed by the choir. (passive)
15. Who taught you to ski? (active)
By whom were you taught to ski? (passive)
16. The forest fire destroyed the whole suburb. (active)
The whole suburb was destroyed by the forest fire. (passive)
17. The two kings are signing the treaty. (active)
The treaty is being signed by the two kings. (passive)
18. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts the office every night. (active)
Every night the office is vacuumed and dusted by the cleaning crew. (passive)
19. Larry generously donated money to the homeless shelter. (active)
Money was generously donated to the homeless shelter by Larry. (passive)
20. No one responded to my sales ad. (active)
My sales ad was not responded to by anyone. (passive)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Grammar for Xth and XIIth students

OLD Questions answered
ICSE Examinations Grammar Questions from 2008
Question 4
(a)    In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example:        (0) was. 
There (0)    (be) some confusion in the doorway. A man (1)     (get) into the compartment (2) _    (stammer) an apology. Then the door (3)    (bang) and the world was (4)     (shut) out again. I (5)     (return) to my berth. The
guard (6)    (blow) his whistle and we (7)    (move) off. Once again I (8)    (has) a game to play.                             
0. was 1. got 2. stammering 3 banged. 4. shut 5 returned 6. blew 7. moved 8. had
(b)    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- (i)        The   elderly   man  prepared   himself  for a   life of retirement. 
(ii)       Do you take his word  against mine?
(iii)     Rohini is very concerned   of/about her father's health.
(iv)      Altaf had many books and papers scattered all over the room.
(v)       The Phoenix is a legendary bird that rises from its ashes.
(vi)      The police pulled the briefcase from   under the table.
(vii)     The mob rushed onto the pavement, everyone seemed angry with everyone else.
(viii)    The old woman looked inside the cupboard, searching for the photograph.                                            [4] 
[c] Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. (i)    The heart attack was mild. Mr. Bose stayed in bed for three weeks.
Although the heart attack was mild, Mr.Bose stayed in bed for three days.
(ii)   The men went out to see if anyone was missing. The women stayed behind to care for the injured.
While the men went out to see any one was missing , the women stayed behind to take care of the injured.
(iii)  Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers. She told her not to accept gifts from people she did not know.
Not only did her mother warn her not ot talk to strangers but also not to accept gifts from them
(iv)      Everyone was drenched wet by now. The rain had come down harder.                                                    [4] As the rain had come down harder, everyone was drenched wet by now. [d] Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence,
(i)        "Have you walked alone, this long distance today?" he asked Sumita. (Begin: He asked Sumita if.    )
He asked Sumita if she had walked alone that long distance on that day. (ii)       The detective interrogated the suspect closely for over three hours. (Begin: The suspect   ………..)
The suspect was  closely interrogated by the detective for over three hours.
(iii)       I suddenly realized that the room was too small for the three of us to share. (Begin: I suddenly realized that the room was so    )
I suddenly realised that the room was so small that the three of us could not share it.
(iv)      Inspite of all her efforts, Susan did not succeed. (Begin: Despite    )
Despite all her efforts, Susan did not succeed
(v)       As soon as the bell rang, the children rushed out of class. (Begin: No sooner    )
No sooner did the bell ring than the children rushed out of the class. (vi)      Sachin stood first in class and he also excelled at debate. (Begin: Not only    )
Not only did Sachin stand first in the class but also excelled at the debate.
(vii)     She was the only person capable of being House Captain. (Use: capability)
She was the only person who had the capability to be the a House Captain.
(viii)    Rohan was the tallest boy in the basketball team. (Rewrite using: taller)    [8]
Rohan was taller than any other boy in the basket ball team.

ICSE Examinations Grammar Questions from 2009
Question 4
(a)    In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.  Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space.
Example: (0)    spoke. 
As she (0)    (speak) 1(1)     (rise) and (2)     (go) to the centre blackboard, 1(3)    (find) the chalk (4)    (write) in block letters the title of the book. Then 1 (5)     (put) the chalk down and went to (6)     (sit), beside her, to (7)    (hold) her hand.
The day had barely (8)     (begin).                                                                                                       [4] 
1. rose 2. went 3. found 4, wrote 5. put 6. sit 7. hold 8. begun 

(b)    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:- (1)    I prevailed upon    him to join the gymnasium.
(ii)      The curious child eagerly begged for   an answer to the riddle.
(iii)     He was bent  on  coming first in the examinations.
(iv)     The theory exam was followed by    a group discussion.
(v)      1 ran across    my teacher at the show last night.
(vi)     She is extremely anxious about  an interview next week.
(vii)     What a contrast   between  the two siblings!
(viii)  The brothers fought over their  father’s property.                                                                                                   
(c)  Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so: (i)    Swarna asked me a question. I was unable to answer it.
I was unable to answer the question Swarna asked me.
(ii)    You helped Tania. She will always be grateful.
Tanya  will always be grateful for your help.
(iii)    I heard you won a prize. I am extremely delighted.
I am extremely delighted to hear that you won a prize. (iv)    There was heavy traffic. We reached the stadium on time.                       
Inspite of the heavy traffic, we reached the stadium on time.                                                        [4] (d)    Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. (i)       Study hard now or you will regret it.  (Begin: Unless    )
Unless you study hard , you will regret. (ii)       The boy asked, 'Why are you lying on the road in this manner?' (Begin: The boy asked why he    )
The boy asked why I was/ we were lying on the road in that manner. (iii)      Megha is too tall to crawl under the table. (Begin: Megha is so    )
Meghana is so tall that she cannot crawl under the table. (iv)      He arrived in school on time even though he stopped for a bite on the way. (Use 'in spite of instead of even though)
In spite of stopping for a bite on the way, he arrived in School on time.
(v)       She opened the kitchen door and a cockroach ran out. (End with 'cockroach'.)
When she opened her kitchen roar, out ran a cockroach.
vi)     Arjun was a better speaker than his brother. (Begin: His brother    )
His brother is not as good a speaker as as Arjun. (vii)     Asha missed her examination because of her illness. (Begin: Her illness    )
Her illness caused Asha to miss her examination.
(viii)    As soon as the curtain came down the applause rang out. (Begin: No sooner    )  
No sooner did the curtain come down than the applause started.

Grammar questions from year 2004

Question 1

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

  1. The thieves stole everything from the merchant and left him for dead. (Begin: Having................)
    Answer:- Having stolen everything from the merchant , the thieves left him for dead.

  2. Prerna consulted her parents before accepting the job offer. (Begin: Prerna did not............)
    Answer:- Prerna did not accept job offer without consulting her parents.

  3. The driver lost his job because of rash driving. (Begin: iI the driver.................)
    Answer:- If the driver was not rash, he would have continued this job.

  4. Very few doctors in the hospital are as dedicated as he is. (Begin: He is...................)
    Answer: He is one of the most dedicated doctor in the hospital.

  5. The Principal dealt with the miscreants firmly. (Begin: The Principal was...............)
    Answer:- The Principal was firm in dealing with the miscreants.

Question 2

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:-

  1. He may run ------------------- when we least expect him.

  2. The jewel was sold ------------------ at thrice its cost price.

  3. They took --------------- his company with all liabilities.

  4. The new manager gets ----------- well with his colleagues.

  5. Please contact me ------------- 9 A.M. and 10 A.M.

  6. Priya was knocked -------------- by a speeding car.

  7. Pursued by his enemies, he swam ----------- this river to safety.

  8. They drove him ------------- the city in their new car.

  9. ------------ with other things they found a old sword near the ruins of the building.

  10. He flew ----------- a rage when he was challenged.

  1. up
  2. at
  3. up
  4. on
  5. between
  6. down
  7. across
  8. to
  9. with
  10. into

Question 3

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so:-
  1. He got married suddenly. This took everyone by surprise.
    Answer:- Every one surprised with his sudden marriage.

  2. He completed the work on time. There were many obstacles.
    Answer:- Though there were many obstacles, he completed the work on time.

  3. Ritu's plan is perfect. She want everyone realize this.
    Answer:- Ritu wants everyone realize that her plan is perfect.

  4. Sophia is a quite girl. She is an introvert.
    Answer:- Sophia is not only a quite girl but also an introvert.

  5. I met Shiela's mother. She works in a school nearby.
    Answer:- Shiela's mother who works in a nearby school met me.

Grammar questions from year 2005

Question 1

In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with correct form of the word given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order or phrase appropriate to blank space:-

After Christopher Columbus returned from his famous voyage across the Atlantic, the king of Spain(1)------------(wish) to celebrate the great event and do honour to the man who(2)--------- (make) himself a national hero. He(3)-------(do) so by holding a banquet in honour of the explorer. To this banquet he(4)---------(invite) many of the nobles of the kings court. some of them(5)--------- (be) jealous of the success Coumbus (6)---------(achieve). One of them sat next to Columbus. He turned towards Columbus and said, "Of course you (7) ------------ (be) a brave man but anyone can take ship and sail on and on till he(8)----------- (reach) land. " 

  1. wished
  2. had made
  3. did
  4. invited
  5. were
  6. had achieved
  7. are
  8. reaches

Question 2

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:-
  1. The safari parks of South Africa abound------------- wild animals.

  2. The young man excels-------- of both music and dance.

  3. She is diligent student, worthy --------- praise.

  4. I saw --------- his plan and realized that he was going to cheat us.

  5. I was-------- the impression that the meeting had been cancelled.

  6. Always be true ---- yourself.

  7. The villager's lodged a complaint-----------the corrupt officials.

  8. I can rely----- my sister for help.

  1. in
  2. at/in
  3. of
  4. through
  5. under
  6. to
  7. against
  8. on/upon

Learn and practice some more Grammar questions 

Question 3

Explain the difference in meaning between the pairs of sentences given below:-
  1. She must have repainted the car.

  2. She must have the car repainted.

  1. This means that she must have painted the car again.

  2. This means that the car needs to be painted again.

  1. "The girl", said the boy, "was ugly".

  2. The girl said the boy was ugly.

  1. This means that the girl stated that the boy was ugly.

  2. This means that the girl stated that the boy was ugly.

Question 4

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may necessary; but do not change the meaning of each sentence:
  1. Jasdeep has probably forgotten his mother's birthday. (Begin: in------------)
    Ans. In all probability Jasdeep has forgotten his mother's birthday.

  2. Mr. Sharma advised the children not to go in the cold.(End with:"-------------------------",said Mr. Sharma)
    Ans. "Children, I advise you not to go out in the cold", said Mr.Sharma.

  3. For more information please contact the secretary of the club. (Begin: Should------------)
    Ans. Should more information may be required, the secretary of the club may please be contacted.

  4. Ritika returned to school a week ago. (Begin: It has been-------------)
    Ans. It has been a week since Ritika returned to school

  5. She was beautiful and humble. (Begin: Not only-----------)
    Ans. Not only she was beautiful but she was humble as well.

  6. Both the players not adequately prepared for the tournament. (Begin: Neither)
    Ans. Neither of the players is adequately prepared for the tournament.

  7. A fragrant flower is the loveliest creation of nature.(Begin: No other--------------)
    Ans. No other creation of nature is as lovely as fragrant flower.

  8. He could not take part in singing competition as he had a sore throat. (Use: Prevented----------)
    Ans. A sore throat prevented him from taking part in the singing competition.

Grammar questions from year 2006

Question 1

In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with correct form of the word given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order or phrase appropriate to blank space:-
Example:(0) giving
Mid-afternoon (0)--------(give) my reports to Mrs. Biggs, I (1)------- (hear) a loud thumping (2)---------(come) from the direction of her store room. "What (3)------(be) all that noise downstairs and (4)--------(open) the store room door. There was Mr. Biggs (5)-------(look) very dusty and very disgruntled; he wanted to know why Mrs. Biggs (6)-------(shut) him up for hours. Hehad gone into the store room in search of walking stick and Mrs. Biggs, (7)------(see) the door open, had promptly (8) ----------(bolt) it.

  1. heard
  2. coming
  3. is
  4. opened
  5. looking
  6. had shut
  7. having seen
  8. bolted

Question 2

Fill up the blanks with appropriate words:-

  1. He refused to put -------- with their interference in his affairs.

  2. She has been going ---------- the script for days.

  3. It is our duty to protest---------injustice.

  4. He soon became accustomed --------- the harsh weather.

  5. Dilip went out------- his way to help the poor.

  6. He was able to put-------- his ideas so cleverly that he impressed everyone.

  7. He persists ------ teasing the other children in the class.

  8. I have been waiting for you ------- four o'clock.

  1. up
  2. through
  3. against
  4. to
  5. of
  6. up
  7. in
  8. since

Question 3

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
  1. Sahil composed a wonderful song. It became a hit.
    Ans. Sahil composed a song which became a hit.

  2. Rani reached the spot. We were to mate there.
    Ans. Rani reached the spot where we were to meet her.

  3. Dick met me. I gave him the document.
    Ans. I gave the document when he met me.

  4. Shenaz was very upset. I wanted to help her out.
    Ans. As Shenaz was very upset, I wanted to help her out.

Question 4

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

  1. As soon as the Chief Guest arrived, the band started playing. (Begin: No sooner--------)
    Ans. No sooner did the Chief Guest arrive than the band started playing.

  2. He went to the library and to the bank. (Begin: Not only--------)
    Ans. Not only did he go to the library but also to the bank.

  3. Though he is very poor, he helps others need. (Begin: Inspite----------)
    Ans. Inspite of his poverty, he helps others in need.

  4. He does not intend to leave the company.(Use: intention)
    Ans. He has no intention to leave the company.

  5. "Do you want some more ice-cream or a slice of cake?" asked my aunt. (Begin: My aunt asked------)
    Ans. My aunt asked me if I wanted some more ice-cream or a slice of cake.

  6. They are painting a mural on the front wall. (Begin: A mural)
    Ans. A mural is being painted on the front wall by them.

  7. Tansen was the best singer in Akbar's court. (Use: better)
    Ans. No other singer in Akbar's court was better than Tansen.

  8. You remembered to buy a loaf of bread, didn't you? (Begin: You didn't------)
    Ans. You didn't forget to buy a loaf of bread.